How stores are spying on you using creepy facial recognition technology without your consent

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 11/24/2023
Have you ever wondered if the stores where you shop are watching you? Not just with security cameras. With something more advanced and creepy. 

Something that can recognize your face and identify who you are, where you live, what you like and what you buy. Something that can track your every move and use your data for their own benefit. 

Well, guess what? They are. That's right, some of the biggest retailers in this country are secretly using sneaky facial recognition technology in their stores. 

Facial recognition technology is a type of biometric identification that uses cameras and software to analyze and match your facial features. You may already be using this type of tech to unlock your phone or verify your identity. What you might not know is that some stores are using facial recognition technology to monitor you and your behavior without your permission or knowledge. 
Spy Camera by Alberto Rodríguez Santana is licensed under Unsplash

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