The most invasive tech spying on you is this unexpected (and massive) piece of equipment

It's an interesting time to be a digital citizen in 2023. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI), smart homes and cities, centralized and decentralized currencies, and autonomous systems should give us pause to consider just how rapidly technology is intensifying — and what it means for the human experience. 

Yet we increasingly integrate tech in our day-to-day lives, clamoring for the latest iPhone, wearable device, electric vehicle, leering at TikTok, and pouring our minds out on ChatGPT. 

For better or for worse, our continued use of tech enables companies to capture and leverage our data to make more intelligent systems. This is how Spotify  (SPOT) - Get Free Report and social media can make the best recommendations for you. Algorithms are trained to understand our digital fingerprints and identify our trends so they may better understand us — and keep us coming back. 

Not everyone is so fond of data collection, though, and some are even convinced large data collection companies harbor malice. And a recent study by the Mozilla Foundation finds some of the most invasive data harboring comes from a place you'd least expect it. 
1984 IS NOW – DEEP STATE. by Markus Spiske is licensed under Unsplash

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