AI-WAR: Is Unsafe, Untested, Unreliable Artificial Intelligence Giving China A Technological Advantage Over The U.S.?

That Artificial Intelligence (AI), as an enabling technology, now holds the extraordinary potential to transform every aspect of military affairs has been amply evident in the ongoing war in Ukraine and Israel’s counterattacks in Gaza and Lebanon.

It now dominates military operations, producing autonomous weapons, command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) activities, training, information management, and logistical support.

As AI is shaping warfare, there is now immense competition among the major military powers of the world to bring about more AI innovations. China seems to be leading the race here if the regular concerns of the American strategic elites in this regard are any indication.

Until recently, the United States was said to be at the forefront of AI innovation, benefiting from leading research universities, a robust technology sector, and a supportive regulatory environment. However, now China is said to have surpassed the U.S. in all this. China is feared to have emerged as a formidable competitor of the U.S., with its strong academic institutions and innovative research.

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