ChatGPT Misdiagnosed 83% of Children’s Health Conditions

The artificial intelligence (AI) text chatbot ChatGPT misdiagnosed 83% of children’s health problems in a case challenge issued by doctors at a New York children’s hospital, a new study showed.

The study, published Jan. 2 in JAMA Pediatrics, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Medical Association, was led by Joseph Barile of Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York.

Barile and other researchers challenged ChatGPT version 3.5 to diagnose children’s illnesses by randomly feeding it pediatric cases from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston reported in the past 10 years in JAMA Pediatrics and The New England Journal of Medicine.

The study’s authors challenged ChatGPT to make a diagnosis in 100 cases of children’s health problems. The AI chatbot failed in many cases even to identify the correct organ system of the child’s affliction.
Newborn baby hearing test by Solen Feyissa is licensed under Unsplash

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