Chelsea Clinton Promotes Pedophilic 'Gender Queer' Book for Kids

Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and multi-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, is being blasted on Twitter after calling for the book “Gender Queer”, and others like it, to be peddled to children in their school libraries. “Gender Queer”, which has been championed by LGBT lobby radicals and has drawn the ire of parents nationwide, features graphic depictions of kids engaged in gay sex and even alludes to incest.

Chelsea Clinton threw her full-fledged support behind peddling “Gender Queer” and other sexually-charged books to children, claiming in a tweet that “LGBTQ+” books are “vital” for “children” so that they can “learn about themselves and our world,” calling it “harmful” to shield schoolchildren from graphic depictions of sex.

The book has been among the most challenged books in the United States, with parents and students alike protesting the graphic images of gay sex contained in the book. Though allegedly published to market to high school students, public school systems have been increasingly pushing the book on elementary and middle schoolers.
Chelsea Clinton by Gage Skidmore is licensed under flickr Gage Skidmore

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