China says it will back global consensus on AI amid tech clash with U.S.

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  • Source: CNBC
  • 11/03/2023
China's vice minister of technology said Beijing will cooperate with international counterparts — including the U.S. — to find common ground on frameworks for safe and responsible artificial intelligence development.

His comments were delivered at the U.K.'s AI safety summit, which officially kicked off Wednesday at Bletchley Park, England.

Wu Zhaohui, China's vice minister of science and technology, said the country was willing to "enhance dialogue and communication in AI safety with all sides."

China will contribute to an "international mechanism [on AI], broadening participation, and a governance framework based on wide consensus delivering benefits to the people, and building a community with a shared future for mankind," he said, according to an official event translation.

The remarks arrive at a time when Beijing is locked in a tense technology dispute with the U.S.
Chinese flag in Shanghai by Alejandro Luengo is licensed under Unsplash

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