Colorado Dem proposes bill to force foster care families to encourage sex changes for ‘trans kids’

A bill has been introduced in Colorado that would force foster families in the state to affirm the chosen gender identity of a foster child in their care.

Colorado Bill 24-1017, called the Bill of Rights for Foster Youth, states that "a child or youth in foster care or participating in the foster youth in transition program" has rights to things such as "fair and equal access," "appropriate placement and care," education," and "basic essentials."

The bill is sponsored by Democrat Rep. Lindsey Daugherty.Under the "fair and equal access" section, the bill states that a foster child has the right to "expression of the child’s or youth’s gender identity and be referred to by the child’s or youth’s preferred name and gender pronouns."

In the legislative description section, the bill states "thirty percent of children and youth in foster care nationwide identify as LGBTQ+, and these children and youth have an additional layer of trauma that accompanies being rejected or mistreated because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression."
Transgender Flag 1 by Lena Balk is licensed under Unsplash

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