Breitbart News reported on Rogers’ claim during a February 2022 presentation to Princeton University students that supporters of Trump cannot be deprogrammed from alleged disinformation. He also bashed Breitbart News’s coverage of immigrant crime as inciting “anti-immigrant violence.” To Rogers, accurate news coverage is “violence.”
In Rogers’ op-ed, he contended that the “key” to Donald Trump’s “rise to power” was “online disinformation”:
This is also the perfect setup for someone like Trump to create further political turmoil in the future. People like him will say or do literally anything to grab attention as long as it benefits them. They lie outright solely to further their own immediate interests. Their disregard for truth is pathological. Their entire personas are fabrications designed to maximize ratings. Our modern information environment, which rewards engagement above all else, is perfect for someone like Trump to succeed unless we make fundamental changes to this system.