DRAFT TOM BRADY: How Tom Brady Could Help Save America

Tom Brady, newly retired for the second time from the NFL, could help save this country—which is equivalent to saving the world, by the way—by running as a Republican in 2024 against Senator Elizabeth Warren.  Brady running for Senate would electrify the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the nation and retire one of the all-time fakers in American politics, who claims to be Native American. 

The Warren Claim, as I like to call it, is little better than a man claiming he is a woman and can get pregnant.  These fictions are all on the same spectrum of unreality and threaten our God-given gift of rational thought.  They are also, and even more ominous, a pathology that is infecting our children.  And the consequences of that infection will be far more devastating than the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Tom Brady would certainly be a celebrity candidate, and we’ve learned some lessons about that in Pennsylvania, but he isn’t just any celebrity.  He’s wildly popular in Massachusetts and is well-spoken, intelligent and an almost unparalleled competitor. 

Someone should get on the task of drafting Tom Brady to run for U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.  Starting a petition would be a start.  He’s been drafted by other teams, but none more important than the Republican Party of Massachusetts would be. 

The reason I boldly state that saving America is now equivalent to saving the world is that America’s manifest destiny as the great hope for freedom on this planet has been plain since 1776.  And saving America requires defeating the tyrannical voices of gender reassignment (which is not possible, of course), of the nightmare of all forms of woke thinking and of the lie that the State’s interests are so much more valuable than those of the individual that freedoms of every kind should be curtailed or snuffed out.

It is time to call good men and women with proven greatness into service for this great nation.  God willing, Tom Brady has many more seasons, and some of them should be spent as the United States Senator from Massachusetts.
Tom Brady by andrew campbell is licensed under flickr andrew campbell

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