If Jamie Dimon wants political office — he'll need to answer about Epstein

JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon is America’s top banker, but he also wants to be the country’s commander in chief, I am told by people close to him. After steering the nation’s largest bank impressively through ups and downs, making tons of money along the way, why doesn’t he just go for it? 

Dimon won’t pull the trigger now and possibly ever because he knows being president requires running for president. Mike Bloomberg’s brief and unsuccessful experience in the 2020 race while getting dragged through the mud looms large in Dimon’s thinking, these people say.

Running a big multinational company can get messy, not to mention what comes out of the mouth of someone as voluble as Dimon.

Another thing likely factoring into his calculus is something that is currently roiling the bank. It involves the infamous financier Jeffrey Epstein, who even from his grave continues to haunt Wall Street and, now, JPMorgan. Dimon and his presidential ambitions could be collateral damage.
Jamie Dimon by Steve Jurvetson is licensed under flickr Steve Jurvetson

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