LinkedIn Just Banned Me for Mentioning Durham Report

Under the pretense of being a career-builder site, Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has flown largely below radar, but it may now be one of the most egregious social-media offenders in terms of practicing anti-conservative bias and censorship.

On Tuesday, the site confirmed my long-held suspicions that it sought to police conservative speech by implementing a de-facto ban on me—seemingly for a post that denounced the New York Times’s fake-news coverage of the Durham report.

Specifically, I had posted a response to Meredith Kopit Levien, the president and chief executive officer of the Times, expressing my hope that the newspaper would return its Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the Russia-collusion hoax in the wake of special counsel John Durham’s final confirmation that the story was entirely fabricated by the Hillary Clinton campaign with help from powerful government agencies.

Levien—with whom I had previously corresponded amicably in the context of my work for the University of Virginia’s Cavalier Daily (we both are alumni of the student newspaper)—had made a particularly tone-deaf post on LinkedIn. In it, she referenced a recent statement by Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger about the paper’s mission, claiming it demanded at all times a deep analysis and frequent skepticism of the public narrative.
Linkedin Icon by Souvik Banerjee is licensed under Unsplash

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