Maine Secretary of State Removes Trump From 2024 Primary Ballot

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 12/29/2023

Right as Donald Trump was added back on the 2024 primary ballot in Colorado, with their Secretary of State Jena Griswold announcing Trump will remain on it unless the SCOTUS declines to hear their appeal or rules against it, Maine’s Secretary of State announced that Trump would be off the ballot in their state.

According to the Post Millennial

In an unexpected move on Thursday, Maine’s Secretary of State Shenna Bellows released a 34-page ruling stating Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the ballot. The ruling from Bellows states that Trump's "primary petition is invalid" under the Fourteenth Amendment's insurrectionist ban.

In a statement to the New York Post, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheug blasted Bellows, calling her a "virulent leftist” and a “hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat." He added the campaign would “quickly file a legal objection in state court to prevent this atrocious decision in a Maine from taking effect.”

Bellows ironically tweeted back in 2022 that “The fundamental right of any American citizen to vote freely, fairly, and to have their vote counted is the premise of our democracy. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are not values to be compromised away.” Apparently some votes are more equal than others. 

Meanwhile, California’s Secretary of State certified the list of 2024 primary candidates on Thursday night with Trump on the list, despite calls from the state’s lieutenant governor to remove him. And Louisiana has become the latest on the list of state’s looking to disqualify Trump from the ballot, with a lawsuit being recently filed against Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, demanding that Trump be removed from the ballot over Jan 6.
Trump Save America rally by Gage Skidmore is licensed under flickr Gage Skidmore

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