Broke: Nearly 60% of Voters ‘Have Less Money in Their Pockets’ During Biden Presidency According To Poll

Nearly 60 percent of registered U.S. voters say they have “less money in their pocket than they did a year ago,” according to a Fox News poll released on Sunday.

Fifty-seven percent say they have less money to spend than last year, compared to 50 percent who felt that way in February of 2022. In 2018, only 28 percent of registered voters reported having less money in their pockets.

“Those feeling hardest hit include Republican women (78% less money now), rural Whites (69%), Gen Xers (63%), and voters with annual income below $50,000 (62%),” according to the poll report. 

Twelve percent of poll respondents say they have more money to spend, and 31 percent say they have the same amount as the year prior.
empty wallet by Towfiqu barbhuiya is licensed under Unsplash

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