Sam Altman wants 'trillions of dollars' to jumpstart global AI chip production: report

OpenAI boss Sam Altman is reportedly seeking to raise “trillions of dollars” in order to jumpstart global production of the high-powered computer chips required for advanced artificial intelligence.

Altman, who was briefly ousted as OpenAI’s CEO last year only to return days later, has engaged in talks with various potential investors to raise the staggering sums, including government officials from the United Arab Emirates, sources told the Wall Street Journal.

As much as $5 trillion to $7 trillion could be needed to fully realize the project, one source told the outlet. That’s a larger amount of money than the combined valuations of the world’s two most valuable companies, Apple and Microsoft.

The venture would seek to ramp up production of the costly semiconducors as well as address the massive energy requirements needed to power them.
The 38-year-old AI leader also met with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to discuss the plans, which would require the US government’s support. Congress has taken various measures, including passage of the CHIPS and Science Act, to boost domestic computer chip production and reduce the country’s reliance on China.

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