Taylor Swift fake AI ad dupes fans

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 01/12/2024
A new ad featuring an AI-generated Taylor Swift offering a giveaway of high-end cookware is not the real deal.

An ad for Le Creuset appeared on social media this month, featuring a likeness of Swift and a fake version of her voice with images of the company’s cookware to promote a giveaway, according to multiple outlets.

"Hey you all, it’s Taylor Swift here," the voice says, according to NBC News. "Due to a packaging error, we can’t sell 3,000 Le Creuset cookware sets, so I’m giving them away to my loyal fans for free."

A spokesperson for Meta, Facebook's parent company, confirmed to Fox News Digital that the ad has been removed from the platform.
Le Creuset confirmed to Fox News Digital in a statement that neither they nor Swift were involved in the ad.

"Le Creuset is not involved with Taylor Swift for any consumer giveaway. All approved Le Creuset giveaways or promotions come from the official Le Creuset social accounts. Consumers should always check Le Creuset’s official social accounts and website before clicking on any suspicious ads."

Representatives for Swift did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

AI expert Marva Bailer noted that whoever created the ad "may be using AI, but a human made the choice to risk their reputation, consumer loyalty or their job by allowing ads that do not have contractual rights for endorsement. The idea that the picture is ‘entertainment,’ or this is for ‘fun’ does not equate in the world of business and brands. Marketing agencies and professionals for the most part are aware of these requirements."

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