The Biden Administration: Full Fiction for All Administration (FFFALL)

The Biden administration is now the Full Fiction for All administration.  I have invented the acronym FFFALL for this sorry state of affairs.   

Leading the way in FFFALL is Joe Biden’s contention—entirely unsupported by even a shred of scientific evidence—that males can be born with female anatomy and that females can be born with male anatomy.  Moreover, Joe Biden and his Full Fiction for All appointees believe that it is entirely appropriate to let gender fiction result in maiming adolescents by the thousands—or more. 

Biden’s “transgender” appointee Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Rachel Levine (who is a man, despite asserting otherwise) recently stated, during a Pediatric Grand Rounds session at the despicable Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford, that changing the gender of children will soon be fully embraced and that this horror scenario, which sounds like something out of a bad psychological thriller, has the highest support of the Biden administration.

This is Josef Mengele level stuff.  Mengele, of course, was the German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician during World War II who performed horrific experiments on prisoners at Nazi death camps.  And it is a priority of the FFFALL administration.

See, the more that woke politicians can convince young people that they might be in the wrong bodies, the less those young people can find their true selves, which happen to be connected to God.  And if they have no connection to God, they can be owned and operated by the state.  That’s the agenda connected with cutting off their breasts or penises and then depositing them in a lifelong anatomical and psychological hell.

Another element of the Full Fiction for All administration includes the economic fallacy that money can be printed and spent on economic and social programs with specious aims without causing runaway inflation or, say, banks failing.  Another is the failed notion that a country need have no real border, when the definition of a country inherently includes having a secure border.  Otherwise, there are no real citizens, only fictional ones. 

The FFFALL administration will defile God and sanction the killing of infants because no Truth reigns supreme for Joe Biden or his administration.  Fiction does.  Because fiction, once it infects Americans (in a much more devastating way than Covid ever did), will render but a privileged few as if slaves in a prison camp. 

Everyone who votes Democrat is truly infected with the Full Fiction for All virus, set loose on the greatest nation on earth by Joe Biden, whose predecessors in promulgating this deadly scourge include Barack Hussein Obama. 

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