The CIA's Bud Light Moment (Or Something Far Worse)

Americans have every reason to be angry about the successive revelations concerning the notorious 51 former intelligence officials behind 2020’s “Russian disinformation” letter, a statement shepherded by three former CIA directors and drafted by former acting CIA director Michael Morell. The letter assessed that the damning emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop were not actual evidence of Biden family corruption, but a Russian information operation to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election in Donald Trump’s favor. That assessment has long since been thoroughly debunked, not least by Biden fils himself.

Congress revealed in mid-May that, far from being the work of astute intelligence professionals acting as concerned citizens, the letter was suborned by Antony Blinken, at the time working for the Biden campaign. Blinken nudged Morell to draft the letter, and Morell was quick to enlist former CIA director John Brennan and others. This was itself a covert action to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election in Joe Biden’s favor.

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