The Final Sellout? Uniparty Devils Sending $95 Billion to Corrupt Foreign Governments – $300 Million Goes for Ukraine Border Security but ZERO DOLLARS for Our Own Border Security

The House voted on Saturday to betray America and American interests. As sellouts go, this was a big one, even by Washington Uniparty standards, as these members of Congress basically flipped their collective middle finger at America’s working poor and its increasingly struggling middle class.
These globalist sycophants, led by the globalist Speaker Mike Johnson, passed three separate foreign-aid bills that will provide funding to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, transferring a total of $95 billion from the U.S. Treasury directly to foreign governments. The massive foreign-aid package now heads to the Senate, where it will be rubber-stamped and signed by Joe Biden.

According to Just the News, the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act was passed 311-112. The bill contains $61 billion for Ukraine.

This bill is not only anti-American, it’s anti-Ukrainian. Even more so, it’s anti-human because it will result in many more dead Ukrainians and Russians.
Included in the package is $300 million to protect Ukraine’s border.

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