"This Is A Free-Speech-Killing Indictment" - Dems Move To Criminalize Political Dissent

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  • Source: ZeroHedge
  • 08/03/2023
"This indictment is a really sad moment for me," exclaimed George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley during an interview with FOX News host Sean Hannity highlighting his fears that Democrats are reaching a line with the American people that will not be able to un-cross.

Turley warns that Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment “basically just accuses him of disinformation. This is a disinformation indictment” and charges “many” things that are protected by the First Amendment.

Reflecting further, Turley said: (emphasis ours)

"This is a free speech-killing indictment. There's no way around it. I write a great deal in academia in the free-speech area and I rarely seen a more chilling filing by the Department of Justice. The question that people have to ask themselves is, when is the price too high?
People are obviously enraged, but when is the price too high to bag Donald Trump? This indictment is that prohibitive cost. Meaning, what they are attempting to do is criminalize what they consider to be disinformation.
And I have to tell you, this indictment is really sad moment for me.

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