Video: Director of National Intelligence Says Administration Must Focus MORE On "Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion"

During a recent House Intelligence Committee hearing, Joe Biden’s Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines claimed that the intelligence agencies need to focus more on “diversity and equity”.

The hearing was supposed to be about global threats to the United States, but somehow momentarily turned into a sideshow about how the intelligence community needs to adhere to diversity quotas.

It was, of course, prompted by a Democrat, Rep. Andre Carson, asking “What are your organizations doing to improve diversity when it comes to recruiting and retaining your workforces?”

“I think there is no question that we have to do better on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility,” Haines replied, adding “I think you’ll see in our budget requests and our proposals in all of the work that we’re doing that… we see this as an area that we need to focus more intense resources and efforts.”

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