Video: MSNBC Leftist Calls For Post 9/11 Style Crackdown To Prevent Americans Becoming Too Patriotic

A talking head on MSNBC has called for a post 9/11 style government crackdown as a means of winning “a battle for hearts and minds” of Americans who might turn against the leftist mindset and become overly patriotic.

Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and Righteous Media compared the “threat” of such a scenario to the “number one threat” after 9/11, effectively suggesting conservatives and Trump supporters are akin to terrorists.

“A lot of Americans are up for grabs. I wouldn’t dismiss it as just something only people on the right or watching Fox News latch on to. We are in a battle for hearts and minds and there people are on the fence,” Rieckhoff asserted.

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