
Watch: Trump Releases Fiery Prebuttal to Joe Biden's State of the Union
President Trump on Thursday released a prebuttal to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address. Read More.

BY Cristina Laila


Ron Paul: Fed's "Dollar Destruction" And Moral Crisis
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero Read More.

BY, Tyler Durden


The Latest Polling Is an Even Bigger Disaster for Joe Biden
The latest in a series of bad polling for Joe Biden shows that while Trump has retained virtually all of his support from the 2020 presidential election, Biden’s has, in a literal sense, been more than decimated.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Scientists discover sources of Parkinson's disease, Tourette's syndrome, and OCD in bombshell study
In a study, deep brain stimulation was able to pinpoint dysfunctions in the brain that are responsible for four cognitive disorders. Read More.

BY Melissa Rudy, Fox News


As Haley Ends Republican Race, Survey Finds 92% Of Her Voters Approve Of Biden's Performance
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley plans to end her campaign as early as Wednesday morning following her dismal results on Super Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with her plans. Read More.

BY Tyler Durden


Ablow On Tucker, The Story You Haven't Heard
Dr Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist who spent years on Fox News. He also treated Hunter Biden. Armed agents raided his office, took his patient records as well as Hunter's laptop, and never charged him with a crime. What was this about? He talks about it for the first time. Read More.



Zero Down, No Payment Home Loans! Uh... For Illegals. Not For You.
California lawmakers are proposing expanding the state’s zero-down home loan program to illegal aliens. The proposal — Assembly Bill 1840 — comes as the Read More.

BY Ed Kozak


US Gov't Reportedly Blocks AMD From Selling AI Chip To China
The United States continues to restrict China's capabilities in obtaining and manufacturing advanced semiconductor technologies, presenting significant challenges for Chinese firms and American semiconductor manufacturers that export chips to the world's second-largest economy. Read More.

BY Tyler Durden


AOC Chased Out of Movie Theater by Fellow Insane Leftists
Ironically, during the fiery and violent riots of 2020, AOC infamously tweeted that “The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable.” Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Bitcoin tops $67,000 as it nears 2021 all-time high
The price of bitcoin surged to start the week, edging even closer to its all-time high after the rally took a breather over the weekend. Read More.

BY Tanaya Macheel


The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days
The nation's debt now stands at nearly $34.4 billion. Read More.

BY Michelle Fox


Super Tuesday Set to Drive Final Nail Into Nikki Haley Campaign’s Coffin
Yesterday evening Nikki Haley finally won her first Republican primary - in the heart of the swamp, Washington D.C. Haley couldn’t beat Trump in her own hometown, but she could beat him in the belly of the beast. Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


United States Intel Warns About Israel Invading Lebanon in Upcoming Months
Will Israel spark World War III? Read More.

BY Jose Nino


Elon Musk Hits OpenAI With "Breach Of Contract" Lawsuit For Abandoning Foundational Mission
Elon Musk claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday evening in the San Francisco Superior Court that ChatGPT-maker OpenAI and its chief executive Sam Altman, among others, have breached the artificial intelligence startup's founding agreement that puts humanity over profits.  Read More.

BY Tyler Durden


Biden twice refers to Gaza as 'Ukraine' when announcing US aid drops
The 81-year-old commander-in-chief mixed up the global hot spots twice while hosting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the Oval Office. Read More.

BY Steven Nelson


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