AI is about to change the world for the WORSE: Here are 3 reasons why

Ever since the dawn of the internet, humanity has been in the throes of the so-called “information age,” where anything a person wants to know is available right at his fingertips. And with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the information age is now transitioning into the AI age.

While we are not quite yet at the stage where AI robots have eclipsed the abilities of the human brain, they are certainly moving in that direction with haste.

The Organic Prepper‘s Aden Tate contends, as many of us do, that the AI age is going to change the world for the worse – as if things were not already a horror show as it is.

Tate warns that AI will only continue to get “smarter” as time goes on until eventually manifesting as “Super AI” with “superintelligence.” Once that happens, AI robots have the potential to replace humanity entirely.
AI 3D Render by Steve Johnson is licensed under Unsplash

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