Kyle Hodgetts, Founder of Cholrem Pty Ltd and Inventor of Cavadex, Says He Has Cure for Atherosclerosis

I’ve had enough of the current state of the medical industry. It is the most corrupt system I have encountered, with the FDA and the US government continually supporting medications that are not only ineffective but toxic—clearly prioritising pharmaceutical profits over patients’ health.

What is Cavadex?

Since July 2020, Cavadex has been used by thousands globally, showing life changing results. Cavadex reverses heart disease by clearing arterial plaque, reducing cholesterol, and improving overall cardiovascular function. It even enhances liver and kidney health by allowing blood to flow freely, even in the smallest blood vessels. Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and Cavadex is the only treatment that shows rapid, measurable results in reducing arterial plaque.

Our website for more science:

So far, two peer reviewed papers have been published based on studies conducted from 2019 to 2020, with more to come.

Is Cavadex FDA Approved?

The active molecule in Cavadex, 2-Hydroxypropyl-beta-Cyclodextrin (HPβCD), has been FDA approved for decades and is administered in high doses to children with Niemann Pick Disease. It has proven safe across various applications and poses no risk of side effects. However, while the molecule is approved, the FDA has not approved its use specifically for reversing heart disease. The reason? We don’t classify Cavadex as a “drug” but as an innovative therapy, and therefore, we haven’t pursued FDA approval. We believe that pursuing FDA approval under the current corrupt system, which favours pharmaceutical giants, is basically a dead end.

Why is the FDA Threatening Cavadex?

Despite thousands of positive outcomes and zero reports of adverse effects from patients using Cavadex, the FDA appears more interested in protecting the pharmaceutical industry’s profits than embracing an effective and safe solution for heart disease (World’s #1 Killer) The only complaints that would prompt the FDA’s intervention are likely coming from pharmaceutical companies or healthcare providers who stand to lose patients—and profit—because their patients are now getting better with Cavadex.
Doctors have even confirmed this concern. Dr. Roberts, who has been treating his patients with Cavadex for years, reports that some of his cardiologist colleagues have expressed “This will put us out of business” Patients are no longer needing statins, blood pressure medication, or invasive surgeries, this is due to Cavadex.

Comparing Cavadex with a newly FDA Approved Drugs

Let’s take a moment to compare Cavadex with the latest FDA-approved drug for heart disease: Vascepa.

Vascepa’s Benefits:
• Lowers your chance of a life threatening cardiovascular event (such as a heart attack or stroke) by 25% when added to a statin.

Cavadex’s Benefits:
• Reverses heart disease by clearing arteries of plaque.
• Improves liver and kidney function.
• Reduces hypertension.
• Lowers uric acid levels and addresses gout.
• Reduces high lipids without dietary changes.
• Improves erectile function.
• The only treatment proven to reduce calcium scores.

Effectiveness Comparison:
• Vascepa: 17.2% of patients on Vascepa still experienced a cardiovascular event, while 22.0% of people on placebo also had a cardiovascular event.
Let’s think about this. They claim a 25% improvement, but let’s break this down: if 100 people took Vascepa, 17 still had heart attacks. Out of 100 people on placebo, 22 had a heart attack. This difference is only 4.8%, not 25%. How can they call this a significant improvement?
• Cavadex: 98% of patients reported improved health outcomes.
Side Effects:
• Cavadex: No side effects reported from the compound itself. However, since it is administered via enema, some users may experience diarrhoea, which is a common reaction to any enema application.
• Vascepa: VASCEPA may cause serious side effects, including:
• Heart rhythm problems (atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter). Hospitalisation has occurred in people who take VASCEPA, especially those with heart disease or diabetes. Symptoms include fast or irregular heartbeats, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, or chest discomfort.
• Possible allergic reactions if you are allergic to fish or shellfish. Seek emergency help if you experience these symptoms.
• Bleeding. Serious bleeding can happen, especially if you are also taking a blood thinner.
• Liver problems require regular blood tests during treatment.
• Common side effects: muscle and joint pain, swelling of hands/legs/feet, constipation, gout, pink/red/brown urine, vomiting blood, tar-like stools, coughing up blood.

How is Vascepa even FDA approved?

Vascepa, marketed to heart disease patients, has been claimed by them to cause severe heart rhythm problems, leading to hospitalisation—especially for those already at risk, the very people they target. It also triggers allergic reactions, serious bleeding, and liver issues that require constant monitoring. Common side effects include muscle pain, swelling, gout, and even coughing up blood.
How can they push this as a heart treatment when it carries such severe risks? It’s clear their priority isn’t your health—it’s profit.

Direct from the Vascepa Website:
“Remember: VASCEPA is FDA-approved to be taken with your statin.”
“Until now, if you are on a statin and have CV disease and high triglycerides (≥150 mg/dL), there hasn’t been a proven way to reduce your P-CVR.”
“But now there’s VASCEPA, the first and only medication approved by the FDA for this indication.”
“If you cannot take statins, talk to your doctor about whether or not VASCEPA can help you.”

The Vascepa USA TV Advertisement – Seriously is this an SNL Skit?!:

The pharmaceutical industry, backed by the FDA and the mainstream media, isn’t just profiting off your health—they’re exploiting it. They fill the market with toxic, useless medications while suppressing real solutions like Cavadex. It’s not negligence—it’s criminal.

I’m fighting for your health with Cavadex.

The FDA and Big Pharma are out there pushing dangerous medications, putting profits before people. It’s a disgrace. But here’s the thing—we’re not backing down. We’re committed to making sure Cavadex reaches those who need it, if your product is destroyed or refused at border we will reship and they will get through. These elites think they control everything—not this time. We’re taking them on, and nothing will stop us.

Cavadex works, and we’re going to get it to you, no matter what.

Believe me, we’re going to win.

Kyle Hodgetts
Founder of Cholrem Pty Ltd
Inventor of Cavadex
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6:39 PM · Oct 7, 2024
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