
Israel Moving Forward With Rafah Ground Offensive
The ground operation in Rafah is moving forward, Israeli officials have confirmed. There was earlier premature talk of Hamas having accepted an Egyptian and Qatari proposed 'deal' - but Israel has not signed on, but has only said it will examine it. Read More.

BY Tyler Durden


This Startup’s AI Designs Enzymes That Can Eat Plastic Waste
Landfills are overflowing with plastic trash. Serial inventor Jonathan Rothberg’s Protein Evolution found a solution: using AI to create enzymes that can recycle old polyester textiles into a material that acts new. Now the three-year-old company needs to prove that it can scale up. Read More.

BY Amy Feldman


Future Models of AI-Enhanced Dream Interpretation
The most powerful model for the future of dream interpretation will be a human-AI hybrid approach. Read More.

BY Kelly Bulkeley Ph.D.


O’Keefe Media Video: CIA Still “Monitoring” Trump
In the latest video from James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) exposes how the CIA ploted against Trump, and it proves that Chuck Schumer wasn’t kidding when he said of Trump “Let me tell you something. You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at ya” - he was bragging.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


OpenAI CEO's Eyeball-Scanning Digital ID Project, Worldcoin, Hopes To Partner With OpenAI and Has Had Conversations With PayPal
Worldcoin eyes partnerships with OpenAI and PayPal amid regulatory challenges and privacy concerns, signaling a potential expansion in digital ID networks. Read More.

BY Didi Rankovic


Satanic Temple “Ministers” Set To Invade OK Public Schools
An Oklahoma bill that would allow religious chaplains to counsel children in public schools could lead to the Satanic Temple (TST) embedding its own so-called “ministers” in the school system. Read More.

BY Evita Duffy-Alfonso


International Olympic Committee prepares for AI integration in 2024 Paris Olympics
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is preparing for artificial intelligence integration in the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics. Last year, French legislation authorized the use of AI video surveillance for a trial period covering the Olympic Games to detect abnormal events or human behavior that could pose potential threats. The AI surveillance technology employs sophisticated algorithms to analyze real-time video […] Read More.

BY Laura Harris


COVID Vax Maker AstraZeneca Admits to Deadly Side Effect for First Time Ever in Court
AstraZeneca is finally admitting that blood clots are a very real side effect of their COVID vaccine for the first time ever in court.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Lol: Hysterical MSNBC Host Fears Trump Will Abolish the Free Press
The liberal media continues fearmongering about all the frightening things that Donald Trump will do if he assumes office again, without asking the obvious question of why Trump didn't just do all those things the first time he was in office.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Evidence Shows Adam Schiff Falsely Registered, Ineligibly Voted, and/or Committed Mortgage Fraud
Guest post by Joe Hoft at – repubished with permission Evidence Shows that Rep. Read More.

BY Guest Contributor


Now Democrats Want to Take in Refugees From Gaza
Representative Jamaal Bowman, who once pretended to not know how a fire alarm works, advocated for taking in refugees from Gaza, in addition to amnesty for tens of millions of illegals, in an interview with Yonkers Voice.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Target Illegally Collects Customers’ Biometric Data, Class Action Lawsuit Alleges
A class action lawsuit filed in Illinois claims retail giant Target collects and stores customers’ biometric data, such as facial scans and fingerprints, without obtaining proper consent in violation of the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act. Read More.

BY John-Michael Dumais


Shock CNN Poll: Trump Destroys Biden by Even Larger Margin With Third-Party Candidates Included
Things have gotten so bad for Sleepy Joe that even CNN’s polling can’t hide reality anymore. Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Biden Wants the U.S. to Have Its Highest Tax Burden in History
Under Joe Biden, you can brace yourself for more inflation and more taxes if he gets what he wants. Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


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