
New genome testing company helps customers weed out babies with imperfect genetics
Orchid Health allows parents to selectively discard their IVF-created babies like medical waste if they show any sign of potential health problems, in what might be the purest distillation of the evil ushered into the world by the Sexual Revolution. Read More.

BY Doug Mainwaring


CNN Is Panicking About an “Absolute DISASTER” for Biden
Even the CNN spin machine couldn’t ignore the latest disastrous reality for Joe Biden and his chances of winning the 2024 presidential election. Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Pelosi Gets Called Out to Her Face at U.K. Debate
At a recent Oxford Union debate, Nancy Pelosi was called out to her face by Winston Marshall, who was representing the populist side of the debate. The motion was "This House Believes Populism is a Threat to Democracy,” which Marshall took the opposing side of.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


With Apple entering the fight, the AI chip wars have gone nuclear
The AI PC chip wars are going nuclear as Apple officially joins the fight with its M4 processor. Read More.

BY Daniel Howley


Just in time for the election: FDA Warns for Potential Bird Flu Pandemic That Could Kill One in Four Americans
In a recent Senate Committee briefing, Dr. Robert Califf, the head of the FDA, announced proactive measures being implemented in preparation for a potential bird flu pandemic that could prove deadly to a significant portion of the infected population. Read More.

BY Jim Hoft


Election-Denier Hillary Clinton Worried Trump May Deny Upcoming Election
During an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday, Hillary Clinton expressed deep concern that Donald Trump may deny the results of the upcoming 2024 election. “… [H]e's practically promised us if you listen to him at his rallies, you read his interview with Time Magazine, that if he doesn't like the way the election turns out, he's going to do something again to try to prevent the lawful winner from taking office,” Clinton warned. Read More.

BY Evita Duffy-Alfonso


BOMBSHELL: Google (and YouTube) funded COVID-19 bioweapon development, study reveals
It went largely unnoticed and unreported on, but 2018 research published in the journal PLoS One reveals something major and previously unknown about Google’s involvement in the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Researchers from Yale University, Metabiota Inc., EcoHealth Alliance, the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the University of Washington […] Read More.

BY Ethan Huff


Boy Scouts Of America Drops The “Boy” To Be More “Inclusive”
Boy Scouts of America announced Tuesday that beginning in 2025 it will formally be renamed “Scouting America” in order to be more “inclusive.” For several years now, the Boy Scouts of America has included girls. In 2018, the organization began admitting 7 to 10-year-old females, and in 2019, it began admitting 11 to 17-year-old females.  Read More.

BY Evita Duffy-Alfonso


US national debt tracker: See how much money the government owes in real time
The U.S. national debt is climbing at a rapid pace, on track to double over the next three decades amid a rush of spending by President Biden and Congress. Read More.

BY Megan Henney , Eric Revell


AlgoFace’s facial analysis tech gets boosts from Microsoft, National Science Foundation
Call it a banner year to date for the facial analysis firm AlgoFace, which has released a trio of announcements celebrating strategic and financial wins. Read More.

BY Joel R. McConvey


Here’s How Much Biden Is Promising to Raise Your Taxes By
Joe Biden is looking to hike your taxes, and contrary to his campaign pledge to not hike taxes on those earning below $400,000, he’s coming for everyone’s wallet.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Israel Moving Forward With Rafah Ground Offensive
The ground operation in Rafah is moving forward, Israeli officials have confirmed. There was earlier premature talk of Hamas having accepted an Egyptian and Qatari proposed 'deal' - but Israel has not signed on, but has only said it will examine it. Read More.

BY Tyler Durden


This Startup’s AI Designs Enzymes That Can Eat Plastic Waste
Landfills are overflowing with plastic trash. Serial inventor Jonathan Rothberg’s Protein Evolution found a solution: using AI to create enzymes that can recycle old polyester textiles into a material that acts new. Now the three-year-old company needs to prove that it can scale up. Read More.

BY Amy Feldman


Future Models of AI-Enhanced Dream Interpretation
The most powerful model for the future of dream interpretation will be a human-AI hybrid approach. Read More.

BY Kelly Bulkeley Ph.D.


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