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Watch: "In a Way I'm Honored... It's Very Bad for the Family... I'm Honored - Because Somebody Has to Do It" - Trump Speaks Out Following Historic NYC Show
President Trump held a press conference this morning at Trump Tower Atrium to speak on his political persecution by radical left Biden Thugs in the Manhattan Court House. Read More.


Trump campaign warns Biden to 'buckle up' after he's released from 'freezing' court to hit campaign trail
Former President Trump is thrilled to be out of a “freezing" New York City courtroom after a six-week trial and is ready to hit the campaign trail. Read More.

BY Brooke Singman


55% of Sperm Samples Contained High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller
More than 55% of sperm samples from a French infertility clinic contained high levels of the world’s most common weedkiller, raising further questions about the chemical’s effect on reproductive health and overall safety, a new study found. Read More.

BY Sustainable Pulse


Alan Dershowitz says a conviction in the Trump 'hush money' trial will change justice system forever
"It will mean that both sides will try to use the legal system as a way of winning elections," Dershowitz said. Read More.

BY Charlotte Hazard


Janet Yellen Issues Serious $34 Trillion Warning As Bitcoin Predicted To Surge To $1 Million Price
U.S. Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has warned higher Federal Reserve interest rates are going to make the cost of servicing U.S. debt higher—something some think could catapult the bitcoin price higher... Read More.

BY Billy Bambrough


Technocrats developing new line of “wearable” AI devices to track data of user and “anyone they come in contact with”
Meta, the parent company of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook and Instagram social media platforms, is readying to unleash a nightmarish new lineup of wearable artificial intelligence (AI) accessories. In Zuckerberg’s vision for the world, everyone is connected to his own tech, which is designed to turn you into a fake pod person just like him. He […] Read More.

BY Ethan Huff


Illegal Alien Surprised by Lack of Border Enforcement
In a surreal moment, illegal aliens from Turkey who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border surprisingly appeared concerned about the lack of immigration enforcement they encountered, worrying that it could lead to more crime in America.   Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


Watch: James Comey Warns Trump Is Coming for the DOJ and FBI
James Comey may accidentally be campaigning for Donald Trump, because what he just warned us about makes a stronger case for Trump than we could’ve asked for.  Read More.

BY Matt Palumbo


By month’s end, WHO seeks to pass Orwellian pandemic treaty to implement algorithmic surveillance and control systems worldwide
The World Health Organization (WHO) body of experts are set to convene in Geneva, Switzerland, at their 77th World Health Assembly from May 27 to June 1, 2024. At the assembly, WHO’s member countries will cast their votes on the final version of the agency’s “pandemic agreement.” This agreement will give the beleaguered agency more […] Read More.

BY Lance D Johnson


Microplastics found in every human testicle in study
Scientists say discovery may be linked to decades-long decline in sperm counts in men around the world Read More.

BY Damian Carrington


Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations
Privacy fears grow over new digital ID initiatives in Belgium and Hungary. Read More.

BY Didi Rankovic


As California Goes? California ranks last in opportunity due to cost living: U.S. News
According to new state rankings, California ranks dead last in opportunity due to its high cost of living, says the U.S. News and World Report. Read More.

BY Kenneth Schrupp


We now know the likely truth about COVID, and how scientists lied
COVID-19, which killed 1.1 million Americans and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions more, is a man-made virus that escaped from a Chinese lab partly funded by the US government. Read More.

BY Post Editorial Board


FBI admits colluding with Big Tech to ramp up online censorship efforts ahead of 2024 election
Remember all the collusion stories we wrote about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its efforts to control free speech through social media infiltration? Well, we have learned that the censorship has resumed ahead of the 2024 election. The FBI just “resumed collusive efforts,” according to The Federalist, with social media companies like Facebook […] Read More.

BY Ethan Huff


Zuck's Surveillance Dream: Meta Working on AI-Powered 'Camerabuds' that Gather Audio and Video
Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, Facebook and Instagram's parent company, is diving headfirst into the world of AI-powered wearables with its "Camerabuds" project, combining audio, video, and AI to form the ultimate surveillance capitalism data gathering tool. Read More.

BY Lucas Nolan


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