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WSJ uncovers "Pizzagate" pedophile network...
All this time it was real? Read More.

BY Revolver


Elementary school students in Connecticut are sent home with a 'puberty kit'
Parents in Connecticut are distraught that their elementary school children were shown a Pride month video about gender and sexuality without their knowledge. Read More.

BY Sophie Mann


Watch: Armenian-American Dads brawl with MASKED Leftists Over School District's Pride Month Vote
Several rowdy protesters unleashed punches Tuesday just as Glendale Unified School District was due to hold an official vote on the matter. Read More.

BY Nika Shakhnazarova and Yaron Steinbuch


Democrat Mayor of Anaheim, CA Subverts Major League Baseball with Anti-Catholic LGBT Agenda
The Democrat Mayor of Anaheim, CA is using her political status to subvert the Angels baseball team with her anti-Catholic LGBT agenda. Read More.

BY Frankie Stockes


LGBTQ Activists Warn Corporate America -- 'You Need to Be Our Ally'
LGBTQ activists called for new campaigns Monday to warn corporate leaders to stand with them and ignore opposing voices. Read More.

BY Simon Kent


You Don't Say: Study finds left-wing extremism linked to psychopathy, narcissism
“Individuals with dark personalities — such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits — are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism.” Read More.

BY Alex Mitchell


USAF Official Says He ‘Misspoke’ About AI Drone Killing Human Operator in Simulated Test
The Air Force's Chief of AI Test and Operations initially said an AI drone "killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective." Read More.

BY Chloe Xiang, Matthew Gault


Jamie Foxx was forced against his will to get covid jabbed for movie, then developed debilitating blood clot in his brain
Celebrity journalist A.J. Benza appeared on a recent episode of "Ask Dr. Drew," during which he claimed that actor and comedian Jamie Foxx became seriously injured after getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – and his family is allegedly covering it all up. Read More.

BY Ethan Huff


George Soros' Son Visited Joe Biden's White House at Least 17 Times
George Soros' son, Alex Soros, reportedly visited the White House at least 17 times since President Joe Biden assumed office. Read More.


Do Refined Carbs Make You Dumb
The French research is far from the only recent study to find a significant relationship between diet and brain health. Read More.

BY Tristan Justice


'Surveillance over every citizen on Earth': Devious group looks to rule entire world
A new report from the Washington Stand is carrying a warning from former U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., that the World Health Organization has set its sights on "a platform for global governance through health care." Read More.

BY Bob Unruh


The L.A. Dodgers Hit Into a Triple Play Putting Transgender/Anti-Catholic Group on the Team
The L.A. Dodgers decided to play politics, instead of baseball, and may have ended their franchise. Read More.

BY Dr. Keith Ablow


Dr. Keith Ablow: On Memorial Day Millions of Veterans Still Fight for Their Lives
Not every veteran we lose dies on the battlefield. Suicide takes far too many, sometimes many years later. That's why Dr. Keith Ablow, along with Commander Kirk Lippold, USN (Ret.) founded www.help22.org. Read More.

BY Dr. Keith Ablow


FDA Approves Elon Musk's NeuraLink for Human Trials of Brain Implants
The FDA has granted approval to Elon Musk's brain implant company, NeuraLink, to carry out clinical studies on humans. Read More.

BY Allum Bokhari


House Ethics Committee Concludes 2-Year Investigation into Eric Swalwell's Affair with Chinese Spy Fang Fang
The House Ethics Committee has officially concluded its two-year investigation into allegations that Rep. Read More.

BY Jim Hoft


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